Date of Birth

Almost everyone knows their birthday, but doesn't know their time of birth. Using this tool, you can know your moon sign depending on your date of birth. For few days, one date can have more than 1 moon sign. This tool will show such a date. In such a case you should know approximate time of birth i.e. morning, evening or afternoon.

Calculate moon sign (Rashi) based on date of birth

If the time is not known, it is not possible to determine the exact moon sign of the person (chandra rashi). One single day can fall into 2 rashis. At best we can conclude the two rashis.However the sun sign(as per vedic astrology) can be determined with the date of birth, since sun remains in a single rashi for roughly a month. If the location of the birth is known it will reduce some inaccuracy in identifying the rashi

Rashi and its Characteristics

Below list shows all the Rashis and their gana, varna, yoni and lord planet. This is helpful in marriage astrology for horoscope matching. Horoscope matching is done using Rashi matching

No. Rashi Lord Bhuta Prakriti Varna
1 Aries (♈︎) Mars Agni Pitta Kshatriya
2 Taurus (♉︎) Venus Pritvi Vata Vaishya
3 Gemini (♊︎) Mercury Vayu Mishra Shudra
4 Cancer Moon Jala Kapha Brahmana
5 Leo Sun Agni Pitta Kshatriya
6 Virgo (♍︎) Mercury Pritvi Vata Vaishya
7 Libra (♎︎) Venus Vayu Mishra Shudra
8 Scorpio (♏︎) Mars Jala Kapha Brahmana
9 Sagittarius (♐︎) Jupiter Agni Pitta Kshatriya
10 Capricorn (♑︎) Saturn Pritvi Vata Vaishya
11 Aquarius (♒︎) Saturn Vayu Mishra Shudra
12 Pisces (♓︎) Jupiter Jala Kapha Brahmana